1·All of us are working to spur growth and create jobs.
2·Only eight of 52 analysts said the Fed should do more now to spur growth.
52名分析人士当中只有八位认为美联储应该采取 进一步措施来刺激经济增长。
3·And it does nothing to spur growth, without which the debt will expand well above projections.
4·Nonetheless new products could help to spur growth even in the most mature of markets for credit cards.
5·They also contend it will restore confidence in U. S. financial markets, protect consumers and spur growth.
6·Senior Italian figures are also pressing for more fundamental changes to free up a moribund economy and spur growth.
7·But almost always the right trade is to do the complete opposite as disasters have a tendency to actually spur growth.
8·So America has joined with nations around the world to spur growth, and the renewed demand that could restart job creation.
9·Meanwhile, to spur growth, the Federal Reserve has effectively been printing new money, diluting the value of each existing buck.
同时,为刺激经济增长,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)事实上一直在印发新钞,稀释了存量美元的价值。
10·Asian markets opened higher on Monday after China cut interest rates for the third time in six months over the weekend to spur growth.